Brown was born in Whitehaven on 24 March 1846.
She graduated from Girton College, Cambridge, one of the first woman to be admitted to the Honours Degree Examination at the University of Cambridge in 1882. After graduating she studied medicine at Edinburgh and in Brussels, where she finally qualified as a doctor of medicine.
Brown sailed from London on 17 October 1891 on the S.S. Oceana as a second class passenger.
Her motto was: "My work is for a King"
She retired as principal of the College in 1942.
The Annual Founder’s Day celebrations of Christian Medical College, Ludhiana were held on March 24, 2011.
This day is celebrated in the loving memory of CMC’s founder, Dame Edith Brown, who realized the need for training the nurses and doctors to serve the community. Her initiative over 100 years ago now stands as one of the premier medical institutions in India. Nearly 50 alumni from the reunion batches visited their alma mater, some of them decades after having left the portals of Christian Medical College!
There was a Continuing Medical Education programme in which eminent speakers from the reunion batches of 1961 and 1980 delivered scientific talks. Visiting alumni, alumni from the city and nearby towns and CMC faculty and students attended the scientific session with great interest. After the CME, the Alumni shared their experiences since graduation and also narrated anecdotes about their time spent in CMC many years ago.
Dr. Abraham G. Thomas, Director, CMC & Hospital and Dr. S. M. Bhatti, Principal, CMC welcomed the visiting alumni. Dr. Sybil Singh gave away the mementoes. The alumni also visited the hostels, college and hospital premises to relive old memories and to see the newer developments. The day culminated with a gala banquet hosted in the campus lawns along with a colorful cultural program. Report Compiled & presented by Shalu Arora & Rector Kathuria